How Spenowr leverages Sarvox’s platform for its business

Explore All Sarvox Features

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance their operations and improve customer experiences. One such platform that has gained significant attention is Sarvox. This blog post delves into how Spenowr platform has leveraged Sarvox's Software-as-a-service platform to propel its business forward. Let's explore the exciting journey of this platform and the benefits it has reaped by incorporating Sarvox.

Understanding Sarvox

Sarvox’s platform leverages the latest technologies and integrates all major features that makes a platform complete to be a social commerce platform. Business owners can decide to build their own social commerce platform, but it will take them a few years and will also take a huge monetary investment. Sarvox is built on latest technologies such as Angular JS for Web front end, PHP for backend service layer, MySQL for centralized database and ReactNative for the Mobile App. The platform is hosted on AWS cloud and leverages several AWS services including its Artificial Intelligence capability for its integrations.

Case Study: Spenowr's Journey


Spenowr’s ( objective was to build a Social Commerce platform for Artists and Creative Products/Services, for which it found Sarvox as the perfect fit. Sarvox team partnered with Spenowr’s product team to customize some of the features for their need and also developed few custom modules.


Spenowr had established a very solid presence in the market and is growing rapidly. The following are some of the major features Spenowr leverages from the Sarvox platform.


  1. Feed Page that provides updates on user activities or latest creative content

  1. Artist professional page with online resume and 3D virtual exhibitions

It is a comprehensive and modern way for artists to showcase their work, credentials, and achievements in the digital realm. It combines various elements to create an engaging and immersive experience for artists, art enthusiasts, and gallery owners.

  • Artist Professional Page: This serves as the central hub for the artist's online presence.

  • Online Resume: An online resume allows the artist to showcase their education, professional experience, exhibitions, awards, and other relevant accomplishments. By providing this information, the artist builds credibility and trust with other artists.

  • 3D Virtual Exhibitions: Virtual exhibitions offer a unique and immersive way to display artwork online.

Spenowr leverages the power of the Sarvox to help artists showcase their talent, connect with a broader audience, and advance their artistic careers. It provides an innovative way to experience art and is an essential tool in today's digital age.


  1. Creative content as Quotes, Poems, Stories, Artworks etc.

Creative content, whether in the form of quotes, poems, stories, artworks, or other expressions, enriches artists lives by offering a wide range of emotional, intellectual, and artistic experiences. Spenowr serves as a means of personal expression, communication, and connection with others, leaving a lasting impact on both creators and audiences alike.

  1. E-commerce marketplace to sell Products

If you're looking to add videos to showcase your products, you can consider using various e-commerce platforms or content management systems that support video integration. One such platforms, such as Spenowr can use these platforms to upload videos that demonstrate your product's features, provide tutorials, or offer additional information to potential artists.

  1. Custom order and service offerings

Spenowr offers "Custom order and service offerings" for an artist refers to the artist's ability to provide personalized artwork or services to meet the specific needs and preferences of individual clients. This approach allows artists to cater to a diverse audience, expand their customer base, and offer unique and exclusive creations. Here's how the concept of custom orders and service offerings can benefit artists:

  • Meeting Individual Preferences: By accepting custom orders, an artist can create pieces that align perfectly with a client's vision, style, or theme. This level of personalization enhances customer satisfaction and fosters a strong sense of connection between the artist and the client.

  • Diversifying Revenue Streams: Custom orders and services can supplement an artist's income beyond the sales of pre-existing artwork. This approach can be particularly beneficial during slow periods or when certain pieces aren't selling as expected.

Offering custom order and service options is a valuable strategy for artists to enhance their artistic career, engage with a wider audience, and increase their revenue while maintaining a strong connection to their creativity and artistic identity.


  1. Projects & Jobs for artists:

Creators look for jobs and freelancing projects on an ongoing basis, because of which Spenowr launched this feature with the help of Sarvox where creative businesses, and institutes can hire creative professionals for their projects. Spenowr does hire creative professionals for its creative projects and offers job credits to artists using which they can apply to jobs. Standard users get 100 free job credits whereas premium users get more.

  1. Contests

Spenowr offering contests for artists is a popular and effective way to engage with the artistic community, encourage creativity, and promote the artist's work or brand. These contests typically invite artists to submit their artwork based on specific themes or criteria, and winners are selected based on various factors, such as creativity, originality, technique, and adherence to the theme.


  1. Custom Print on Merchandise

Offering "Custom Print on Merchandise" is a popular and effective way for artists to expand their reach, monetize their artwork, and engage with a broader audience. Spenowr added this concept involves creating and selling unique designs, illustrations, or artwork that can be printed on various types of merchandise, such as t-shirts, mugs, and more.

  1. Campaigns

Sarvox's platform allows businesses to create advertisements. These ads can be played on various platforms, such as podcasts, or voice assistants. By leveraging Sarvox's technology, Spenowr engage their target audience through interactive and immersive voice experiences, capturing attention and creating a memorable impact.

  1. Content moderation and administration

Sarvox helps to monitoring and managing user-generated contents on Spenowr to ensure that it adheres to the platform's guidelines, policies, and legal requirements like filters, user reporting, blocking & banning etc.